September 19th, 2016

Copenhagen Business School Tracks Mail and Parcels Faster

Copenhagen Business School

Copenhagen Business School is the second largest university in Denmark with more than 22,000 students. It handles more than 200 packages on a daily basis, together with a large volume of standard letters. We spoke to Lars Bergø, Head of Department at the Campus Service at Copenhagen Business School, who told us why he chose Track Inside software from Neopost to ensure his internal delivery system runs smoothly.

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Daily Package Delivery

Lars and his team receive packages in their mailing room every day and from there, they deliver the packages to 50 different drop spots. Throughout the year, they have a number of peak periods, where they receive an extra amount of packages. This particularly takes place around the beginning of a semester, when they receive a lot of IT equipment and other costly packages for new students and the new classes they are about to attend.

Problems Tracking Mail and Packages

Previously the school scanned all its incoming mail and packages with an old scanning system. The system however contained a lot of errors and with time Lars and his colleagues were simply not able to track the post that had been scanned. This resulted in a lot of uncertainty for Lars and his colleagues and for the staff at Copenhagen Business School in general. As Lars explained: “This meant we spent a lot of money on compensating for lost packages and a lot of time on searching for packages that were placed in the wrong places.”

New Parcel Tacking Software     

Lars and his team started looking for a new tracking system on the Internet and relatively quickly, they found Neopost and contacted them through the brand’s website. A meeting was quickly set up and as Lars confirms: “Neopost was able to understand our challenges very quickly and offered us a system that could actually handle all the problems we were facing. Two very qualified technicians helped us through the entire start-up stage and never left us before it all worked perfectly.”

Save Time and Money with Tracking Software

The advantage of Track Inside is that Copenhagen Business School is now saving a lot on resources for compensation and it is also saving time spent on locating lost packages. In addition it also provides Lars and his team with a lot of reassurance as they no longer have any doubt whatsoever that packages have been received or delivered. As Lars concludes: “I highly recommend Neopost Track Inside to organizations that like ourselves handle large amounts of mail and parcels.”